Our innovations are bringing changes to the industry ecology and atmosphere
Cover the entire life cycle of the store and provide products and
tools with efficiency upgrading for each link

New technologies are changing all industries, and commercial real estate is full of uncertain variables and challenges in the digital transformation.

In an era of constant change, we must continue to support our customers' more stable development, respond early and make more efficient decisions. As the largest commercial real estate service provider in China, RET is committed to our responsibility and becomes the pioneer to cope with challenges and explore the unknown.In 2015, RET released the "RUI +" strategy to realize the driving force of "Internet +" for commercial real estate with "humanism, technology and collaboration". So far, it has successfully incubated five Internet companies including Lepu, DataQuest China, Yunmao, Xiaolaba, and RBG, and has promoted the innovation and practice of China's commercial real estate digital services with a matrix-type ecological portfolio.

  • www.lepu.cn

    Lepu is China's leading mobile Internet retail trading platform, and is an O2O practitioner who creates precision stores, lightning transfers, and extreme services in commercial real estate. Lepu adheres to the mission of "making store operation simple and happy", and it uses new technologies and new methods to promote the efficiency of the industry evolution ...

  • www.dqchina.org

    DataQuest China is the first big data application service provider for commercial real estate. It provides retail real estate big data application services for commercial real estate developers and brand owners, helping physical businesses make accurate decisions, reduce customer acquisition costs and improve operational efficiency.

Our team will provide customers with specific and quantifiable results
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